Animal Kingdom (2010)

Animal Kingdom is an Australian crime thriller written and directed by David Michod and starring Joel Edgerton, Ben Mendelson and Jackie Weaver. The BTW team attack this Aussie film masterpiece with the passion it deserves.
As Australian Film month winds down we take a decided turn away from Crocodile Dundee and head south to Melbourne. Animal Kingdom (2010) is a cautionary tale about a family bonded together by crime until someone from the inside turns their film upside down.

The first feature film of Director David Michod, who also wrote the screenplay, this is Australian filmmaking at its finest, albeit grittiest. Whilst it didn’t do very well at the box office it was received in glowing terms by the critics and has since spawned an American Tv Series of the same name that lasted six seasons.

An all-star Australian cast led by Joel Edgerton, Ben Mendelson and Jackie Weaver show what experts in their craft can do with a quality script and a Director that has complete faith in his actors. This was the movie that started Ben Mendelson’s climb back into Hollywood and after this he would find himself in some of the biggest movies of the next decade.

Jackie Weaver who plays the Matriarch of the family “Smurf” gets a very well-earned Oscar nomination and if it wasn’t for such a stacked year she may have taken the top gong.

This is a movie that lives within the realm of subtlety and there isn’t a scene in the film that should be replaced. Haunting performances will ensure that Animal Kingdom will be forever known as one of the very best pieces of Australian cinema for all time.


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Animal Kingdom (2010)
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