Tremors (1990)

A B Grade movie done good, Tremors (1990) is 96 minutes of pure unadulterated fun. Kevin Bacon stars in this creature feature that pays homage to the great creature features of the 1950's
Episode 17 - Since the 1950's people have been obsessed with creature feature films, with that decade being a highlight for the genre. B Grade movies are a special treat for those who love their movies with a side order of schlock. Made famous in Drive Ins the B Grade movie has a special place in cinema lore and when done well can be amazing. Tremors is a B Grade movie with an identity crisis, it seems to think that its A Grade fair and i must say, it's hard to argue. With a great ensemble cast including Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward and Michael Gross this slick screenplay is a guilty pleasure to be enjoyed by the whole family. With a special guest in the Panic Room - DAMO GILES - this is a step outside the norm for the team but a welcome one. If you haven't seen Tremors, do yourself a favour and hunt it down NOW!
Tremors (1990)
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